While Canada is home, it is not my native land. My native land(s) are Wales, UK, and Tehran, Iran. An odd variety of places to have lived and been part of perhaps. I certainly feel like a rubber band stretched across the globe. And one that is stretched tight at the moment.
I have been reading articles about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his defiant speeches, and I have to say, it's made me nostalgic about Iran in a good way. When I thought about the crowds chanting about their right to nuclear energy it made me think with warmth about people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in and not bow down before the ridiculous king of largeland. I'm ready to start chanting with them. They deserve the right to do whatever they want. It's tyranical for the US to try to govern them and beat them into submission. And I certainly don't feel that the US is a country governing in the best interests of the world. In fact, I'm doubtful about the fact that the US is intent on governing for the good of anyone, including their own sorry, incoherently righteous fool selves.
What's that cartoon where there's the red faced bounty hunter who just shows up yelling incoherently at everyone and firing guns into the air? That, my friends, is symbolic of the United States in the world political arena.
Oh but it's worse than that even. The bully in the playground has found out how manipulate people through fear as well, and when that doesn't work, through a multitude of other subversive methods. So if you're one of the lucky countries who has something this bully wants, you have left to wonder... how exactly will this rape and pillage take place?
Will they grab you by your embargoed balls, will they install an underground militia in your gut to make you keel over?, will they stab you in the back or will they stab you in the eye, will they cozy up in your belly with their own special government presented to you so generously to help out your own tragically unstable and obviously insane leadership body?
I have to raise my wine glass to Iran. Without any irony in that. The great Persian Pride. They say: "We, peaceably, will do as we please. And if you, forcefully, wish to try to stop us, we shall continue- to do as we please. Because we are free, and we are independent, and we have as much a right to say that as you do. You want to talk about countries being stifled by mis-used and mis-interpreted religious references? Why don't you hold up a mirror?
It takes some guts to stand up before a country led by a bully who wants to steal your lunch money and then take you outside and beat you up. Especially when that same bully just virtually obliterated a few of your neighbors ruthlessly and clumsily like a fat kid stomping on daisies.
So Cheers! Here's to people who are willing to stand up and face the FIRE for what they believe in. HallelujahAMEN!
Interesting take however i doubt as the U.N.'s weapon's inspectors do not believe Iran is pursuing a nuclear program for "energy needs".
When someone like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad states "Israel should be wiped off the map" it does not denote a peaceful nation.
You make a good point, and I appreciate the comment.
I am interested in the idea of a fair playing ground rather than a world dominated by a country that I have no faith or confidence in. But I don't believe I'm able to accurately assess all the possible outcomes of freedom for all countries. Still, I don't feel it's fair for one country with it's one religion and it's one set of ideas about how things should be done to control the rest of the world.
I'm not in charge however, so I don't get to make any of those decisions and all I can do is talk about it. I guess I can't help but always cheer for the underdog. However, feel free to express your opinions if they are different. There is nothing I like better than to get a dialogue going. That's why I started this.
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